I've been lucky to stumble across some amazing people and web resources during my writing journey. These are some very cool, very valuable web sites I recommend to fellow travelers on the InterWebs. — This wonderful web site is hosted by Mary Woodbury, who has pioneered the effort to feature positive, hopeful works of eco-fiction in all its subgenres, from climate fiction to solarpunk. This site offers a comprehensive database of eco-fiction works, as well as a library of excerpts for such works. This is a rich online resource for anyone who values the environment and searches for a path to a better future for all of us!

Green Stories Project — The Green Stories Project sponsors writing competitions that generate story ideas, anthologies, and other creative efforts to further the vision for a sustainable future. Dr. Denise Baden oversees these diverse creative endeavors to inspire positive climate action. In her words: "Our mission is to create a cultural body of work that entertains and informs about green solutions, inspires green behaviour and raises awareness of the necessary transformations towards a sustainable economy."

World Weaver Press — This publishing web site, inspired by Sarena Ulibarri, has broken new ground in expanding the scope and audience for Solarpunk, the sub-genre of eco-fiction that imagines sustainable futures where humans have managed to elegantly blend nature and technology. If you need a dose of optimism about where we're headed as a planet and as a steward species, this is a great place to visit!

Goodreads Green Group — This Goodreads online community "is about living in a sustainable manner--how human activity affects the environment and how a changing climate/environment affects how humans live their lives." I've been an enthusiastic member of this group for years, and a moderator in recent years. So many great online conversations, from eco-fiction to environmental action!

EcoLit Books — This site provides an online outlet for environmental writing, both nonfiction and fiction. It is sponsored by Ashland Creek Press and hosts a community "passionate about books with environmental and animal themes." A great place to browse books and content with a focus on the natural world and how to protect and nurture it.

Climate Fiction Writers League — This site unites the contributes of hundreds of fiction authors dedicated to using their storytelling gifts to advance the cause of climate action. In their words: "Fiction is one of the best ways to inspire passion, empathy, and action in readers. Our works raise awareness of climate change and encourage action at the individual, corporate, and government levels." Their Substack newsletter features authors and works dedicated to this cause. Very inspiring!